For example, if you want to define a specific appearance for the Join State and the Final State, you need to click on the Add button on the right side of the themes definition table. 例如,如果您想要为JoinState与FinalState定义一个特定的外观,您需要点击主题定义表右边的Add按钮。
Suppose we were to create a new table, NEWSTAFF, using the table definition for the STAFF table. 假设我们要使用STAFF表的表定义来创建一个新表NEWSTAFF。
A developer can create a query table definition using the Query Table Builder tool. 开发人员可以使用QueryTableBuilder工具创建查询表定义。
The columns used in this definition are referred to as the table partitioning key columns. 该定义中使用的列被称为表分区键列。
Each of the three columns in the themes definition table can be sorted by clicking on the column header. 主题定义表中三个列中的每一个都可以通过点击列表头来进行分类。
This page will not be available if a client channel definition table ( CCDT) based MQ messaging provider activation specification has been created. 如果已创建基于客户端通道定义表(CCDT)的MQ消息传递提供程序激活规范,则此页面不可用。
To be honest, I don't know why so much XML code is required for the definition of the pivot table. 老实讲,我不知道为什么pivot表的定义需要这么多的XML代码。
The second approach is to provide the MQ messaging provider resource with a uniform resource locator ( URL) that points to a client channel definition table ( CCDT). 第二种方法是向MQ消息传递提供程序资源提供指向客户端通道定义表(CCDT)的统一资源定位符(URL)。
If we are planning to write to an auditing table, we have to make sure that we match the audit table definition, no matter which table is being audited. 如果我们正在计划编写一个审计表,我们必须确保我们匹配审计表定义,不管正在审计的是哪个表。
The theme definition table has three columns: one for the appearance assigned to a specific element type, another one for the element type, and a third column for the palette drawer. 主题定义表拥有三列:一个是分配给指定元素类型的外观,一个是元素类型,第三列是配置板折叠项。
At this point, the definition of the table is tied to the definition of the database partition group. 至此,此表的定义与数据库分区组的定义相关联。
In that case, two new rows would be added to the theme definition table, and their appearance could be selected later. 在这种情况下,您可以向定义表添加两个新行,它们的外观可以稍后选择。
Therefore, if your source table was either a parent or child in an RI relationship, you need to capture the foreign keys definition and recreate them after the table is moved. 因此,如果源表在RI关系中为父表或子表,您需要捕捉外键定义并在移动表之后重新创建它们。
The only difference here is the table definition for output link, which is not from an imported XML table definition but from the Web services output table definition, named "doGoogleSearch_OUT". 这里惟一的不同在于输出链接的表定义,它不是来自一个导入的XML表定义,而是来自Web服务输出表定义,即“doGoogleSearchOUT”。
The name selected in the drop-down list on top of the dialog shows the name of the theme whose definition is in the table underneath it. 对话框顶部下拉列表中所选择的名字,显示了主题的名字,该主题的定义位于它下面的表格中。
Selecting the Orchestrate Schema Definitions menu item starts the process of importing the file definition or database table schema using the PX operators. 选择OrchestrateSchemaDefinitions菜单项将开始使用PX运算符导入文件定义或数据库表模式。
Other elements on the diagram ( States, Join, etc) are not listed in the theme definition table. 图表上的其他元素(States,Join等等)没有列在主题定义表中。
The last sentence of the SupportPac description mentions, almost as an afterthought, that MO72 can be used to generate a Client Channel Definition Table ( CCDT). SupportPac说明的最后一句话几乎是以事后诸葛的方式提到,MO72可用于生成客户端通道定义表(CCDT)。
Nested table definition is not complete. Define table storage for all the nest table columns/ attributes for this column. 嵌套表的定义不完整。请为该列的所有嵌套表列/属性定义表存储。
Specify a definition for a database table or a database table column. 指定数据库表或数据库表列的定义。
Foreign Key definition must include a referenced Table name and list of columns in the referenced Table which matches the number of columns in the Key Table. 外部关键字定义必须包括一个引用表名称以及与关键字表中字段数相匹配的引用表中的字段的列表。
To cut down the complexity of algorithm for computing core, a definition of simplified decision table is provided. 为降低求核的算法复杂度,给出了简化决策表的定义。
This paper formulates the definition and functions of the system yield table in comparison with the conventional yield table and forest stand density control diagram by overview. 林分密度管理图是根据林分密度效果编制的可预测林分平均收获的图。
Basic procedure of mainstream financial software profit form making is report form registration, table-like design, definition of picking-number formula, table management, profit form generating. 报表登记、表样设计、定义取数公式、表页管理、生成利润表是主流财务软件编制利润表的基本程序。
The paper proposed an algorithm for the acquisition of core table based on the analysis of the definition of core table, it's main characters are being simple, understandable and easily implemented. 对核值表的定义作了详细的分析,根据定义给出了一种求核值表的算法,其特点是简单、易理解、便于操作。
Complete the design of workflow engine database tables, separate the definition table from the instance table of the process, activity, transition, etc, realize the distributed design idea of a definition, a lot of instances; 完成工作流引擎涉及的数据表的设计,将流程、活动、迁移等的定义表和实例表分开来,体现一个定义,多个实例的面向对象设计思想;
This article analyses the effects on data and datawindow objects by modification of base table definition, gives a contract table on this issue. 本文时基本表定义的变更对表内数据及相关数据窗口对象定义的影响进行了分析整理,给出了一个参照结果表。
It can accept arbitrary schema definition and table instances given by the tester and generate the commands to create the database ( schema and values). 它可以接受测试员任意定义的模式和相应表的实体,产生建立数据库的命令,随之产生一组用于测试的SQL询问,并且立即给出这些询问符合SQL标准要求的结果。
It indicated that valley conception model was study foundation, logical structure definition of node joining table effected search speed, and the computer realization was achieved more easily by rational programming components. 结果表明,建立流域概化图是研究问题的基础,邻接表逻辑结构定义影响计算机搜索的速度,采用合理的程序组件有利于计算机实现。
Therefore, on the basis of attribute reduction of static database, the definition of relative difference comparison table has been given, and a new algorithm for minimum attribute reduction with conditional attribute has been brought forward. 因此,本文就是在静态数据库的属性约简的基础上,引入过渡相对差异比较表,并在此基础上提出了一种新的增加条件属性的最小属性约简的算法。